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Jon Richardson Snyder received an AB in Comparative Literature from Princeton University prior to earning both his MPhil and PhD degrees in Comparative Literature at Yale University. Currently Research Professor Emeritus, he continues to write and lecture primarily on early modern and modern Italy, with a particular focus on the literature, art and culture of the Baroque. His secondary field of inquiry is translation studies and practice. Jon has published a number of monographs, editions and translations with academic presses in North America and Europe: for example, his L'estetica del Barocco (Il Mulino 2006) has appeared in multiple languages, and his translation of Gianni Vattimo's The End of Modernity (Johns Hopkins 1988) has remained in print for thirty-five years. He has recently completed the manuscript of a translation into English of the first book on vegetarian cuisine to appear in Europe, Vincenzo Corrado's Del cibo pitagorico (On Pythagorean Food, Naples 1781), and has a translated volume by the modern Neapolitan novelist and essayist Matilde Serao—Il ventre di Napoli (The Gut of Naples, Naples 1883)—currently in submission. Essays and book chapters by him have appeared in the past year on such diverse figures as the early modern actor-playwright G.B. Andreini and the Baroque philosopher Sforza Pallavicino. Jon is Managing Editor of the online journal California Italian Studies, of which he was co-founder in 2009, and since 2019 has served as Faculty Advisor to the Dean of the Division of Humanities and Fine Arts.